Dr Psychotic Domain name was reserved on December 31st 2000. It started
out utilizing some ideas used in the creation of a local arts magazine I
started. The local arts magazine covered music, poetry, art, theater,
local venues and local events. There was also a touch of humor added for
good measure. The magazine did not fare so well and ended after just a
couple of issues. However, I got the idea to try some of the ideas out
in an online format with a bit of a different theme.
I decided to narrow down the focus a bit. I did away with the local aspect of things and basically limited the website to humor arts and entertainment. Although, when you think about it, a lot of things could potentially fall under those few categories. I also decided to create a fictional character that would be the presenter of it all. That was Dr Psychotic. His character was to be a mad doctor bent on world conquest. He was going to take over the world by using the Internet as a tool. Basically, the concept inferred that the site was to be big.
At first the site was relatively small, with just a few features. However, my intent was to make it as big as possible. Not just big as it would pertain to popularity but big in terms of the number of features and pages. Currently, the site has a lot of features and over 3,000 pages. Among those many features are: classic poetry, guitar chords and scales, keyboard chords, soprano recorder scales and songs, harmonica songs, mandolin chords and scales, mandola chords, categorized jokes pages, Classic Rock album reviews, movie reviews, photo gallery, cartoon gallery, American history, balalaika chords, trivia, articles and more.
Still, to this day, I continue to add features to the site and update what is currently there. Among the updates, is the creation of new animated gifs and various images through 3D image and animation software. Over the years, the website has become a bit more aesthetically pleasing. I can’t really say how many times the various sections of the site were redesigned to a nicer appearance or how much additional content was added. It’s been a lot of work, but it is nice to sit back and examine the totality of what is there. It’s pretty big. Originally, I would never have guessed that it would have grown to the size that it currently is, but there it is. It’s been a lot of work over a good number of years, and I will never regret any of the hard work put into it. It’s my baby and it always will be. Even if nobody ever visits the site ever again, I will always love what I created. Happy twentieth, Doc.
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